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Friday, August 27, 2010

Autumn is knocking

Autumn is knocking at my door clothed in deep reds and burgundy, florescent orange and yellows and warm browns and tans. This is my most favorite time of year. It conjures up thoughts of crisp, crunchy apples, the smell of wood burning stoves as the evening temperatures drop, homemade apple cider with just the right amount of cinnamon and cloves, the forest floors carpeted in a patchwork quilt of beautiful color as the earth prepares for its long winter nap. All of these delightful stimulants to my senses calm me and make me feel warm and happy.

It is this time of year when my brain starts churning out the freaks and creeps that live inside it and want to come to live in the real world. This is the time of year I live for. Halloween just around the corner and all the creepies and crawlies start bubbling up inside my head, moaning and screaming to be set free into the real world. Just waiting to scare some unsuspecting child or, better yet, adult. Now is the time to make plans for the annual haunted house come to life. Skeletons, bats, vampires and spiders clear out the cobwebs of my mind, begging to be made flesh.

The time has come, my little friends, to talk of scary things,
Of snakes and spiders, tombstones and rats and bats with black leather wings.
Monsters and ghouls and zombies that creep 'round cemeteries in the night,
Witches and vampires that rise from the grave, turn into bats and take flight.
Insane killers who stalk the night and carry a big butcher knife,
Mad scientists and their creations and the lightning that brings them to life.
The time has come, my freaky friends, to think of the things not quite seen,
Of ghosts and goblins, and pumpkins with scowels, my friends, it's Halloween!